Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Past Archives Projects

While I'm in Cumberland Gap working on an archives project, it has made me think of other wonderful details I've been able to participate in. Right now, in the mountains which still have some snow in their nooks and crannies, I'm thinking of Cumberland Island. It was once the playground of the Carnegies, so I wasn't expecting such visions of magnificent ruin to meet me everywhere.

Dungeness, the Carnegie home, burned and is now just a shell.

Their recreation home, before and after...

Even their old cars were a graveyard of ruin...

And speaking of graveyards, Cumberland Island is where the spunky Katy Greene, widow of Rev. war hero, Nathanael Greene (also who my home county and town are name for) is buried on the island. She owned the first Dungeness house.

Still, there were wide expanses of beautiful beaches, where we had our lunch, and the restoration of the mansion, Plum Orchard, was great to behold.

Plum Orchard


Latane Barton said...

Those are such great photos.

A Colorful World said...

It's great to see that fascinating place again via your photos...I know it was a meaningful working trip for you to go to Cumberland Island. Plum Orchard--what a great name for a home!